Explorers Connect

New Mountaineering Scholarship for Young Women ages 14-18

FundingBelinda Kirk

This is an awesome opportunity for any young woman interested in learning mountaineering skills and climbing a glacier mountain in Washington state, USA. All expenses are paid, except for travel to/from Seattle, Washington. Everyone is encouraged to apply (instruction will be in English). No prior experience needed. Deadline to apply is Jan. 31st. 

To learn more and apply, visit https://www.summitscholarship.org/summit-scholarship-2024

Mount Baker Glacier I instructional 3-day climb

Beginning and ending in Seattle, Washington USA

August 1-5, 2024

The Summit Scholarship Foundation 501(c)(3) aims to empower women and other marginalized genders through awe-inspiring mountain adventures.

The Summit Scholarship is a catalyst for women and young women (as well as other marginalized genders) to dream themselves into spaces that are traditionally not inviting to them; it gives them permission to imagine themselves doing things that were previously beyond the confines of their self-image.

Mountain sports have traditionally been male-dominated and not welcoming to youth. With few role models for young women and little societal encouragement to pursue big mountain adventures, it’s a hard place to start. For folks with no family experience or with intersectional diversity, it is even harder to break into. Yet, mountains hold power for tremendous personal growth and transformation - catalyzing confidence that translates from the mountain back to day-to-day life.

To support these endeavors, we offer scholarships specifically for young women ages 14-21. By empowering women and other marginalized genders through adventure we contribute to gender equity on and off the mountain.

Email sunny@summitscholarship.org to connect with our community by sharing this

opportunity with your audience, or by becoming a sponsor in 2024 and beyond.