Explorers Connect

Adventure Not-For-Profit Needs Volunteers and Tents

Community, Adventure Revolution, Join a TeamBelinda Kirk

Under the Sky Events is a not-for-profit community interest company who offer free experiences in the outdoors to care experienced people (CEPs). Its run by two Explorers Connect members, explorer Jacki Hill Murphy and psychologist Sam Lister.  

CEPs or care-leavers are people who have often come from traumatic upbringings and were placed under the care of their local authorities at some point during their childhood. This has led to many of them suffering from mental health illnesses and has lead many to making poor life choices.  

At Under the Sky we want to offer each care-leaver the chance to experience a part of their childhood which they may have missed, the chance to experience the great outdoors. Being in nature has been shown to have many great benefits to both mental and physical health, with research showing a 90 minute walk in nature has a significant effect on improving people mental wellbeing.  

We are currently looking for volunteers and tents  so that we can continue to offer our life changing experiences. We will be sincerely grateful to anyone who can help.  Please contact us here

Please find a list of our events, as well as photos from our previous trips in the link below. 

UNDER THE SKY - Free outdoor adventures for care experienced adults (undertheskyevents.org)