Explorers Connect

Flat Stanley: Help a 5yr Old with His Homework

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Hello I am Flat Stanley, 

I have been sent to you by Spencer Stewart who is 5 and lives in Lancashire England. 

Spencer loves school and is currently learning about our world, different places and what is there.

I would really like it if you could print me out and take a picture of me showing where I am in the world and what I'm doing.  ( Don't worry - I am not spam or a virus or anything awful - in fact I am well known and used in lots of schools: you can research me if you like - I have my own book and global project.  you can check this out http://www.flatstanleyproject.com/ ) 

Spencer is so excited, he has coloured me in, written his name on the page and sent me to the corners of the world hoping he can give me a really great adventure.

Please send the photo of me, showing where I am, to +44 7494077820 through Whatsapp or MMS or email to titchrich86@gmail.com

Spencer has chosen all the places I have been sent and hopes this will make you a little happier today.  

Spencer is keen to know that whilst the world is big we can all be close, help each other and be kind: making our global home a little smaller and lot more friendly.

I've got my camera-face on ready to say cheese.

Much love,

FLAT STANLEY ( on behalf Spencer Stewart - Preston, Lancashire, England, Our World ) x x

Flat Stanley xx.jpg