Explorers Connect

She Who Walks Wins

Adventure Revolution, CommunityGuest User

by Chantelle Cowlishaw, photo credits: @the_budget_explorer

On New Years Day 2019, @the_budget_explorer invited me for a walk on Dartmoor. It was an afternoon of surrounding ourselves in the great outdoors and connecting with each other. We reflected on achievements from the previous year and planned for the one coming up. This year was to be particularly important as it was the year I turned 30. Reflecting on my 20s I often made choices that eventually made me feel unfulfilled - in both my professional and personal life.

This was the year I vowed to learn more about myself, learn new skills and to get outdoors and explore more often. I knew I wanted to embark on the next decade of my life by choosing options for a more meaningful life - to find happiness in simplicity.

I turned to walking every weekend without fail - at the moors or at the coast - and planned micro adventures on my doorstep to focus on the small wins in life. I was addicted. Prioritising weekly doses of exploration created a sense of achievement, and the fulfilment and contentment that I had been craving. Walking provides me with an increased focus, giving me access to more clarity and a calmer way of life. The opportunity to plan visits to breathtaking open outdoor spaces, to breathe fresh air, walking with awareness and being present in the moment whilst immersing the senses in the environment, became my coping method.

During a recent low period in my life after walking away from a job that was affecting my wellbeing, I was asked by The Dream Job Coach (@LouiseJenner1), “What was your biggest achievement of 2019?”, to which I replied “climbing Mount Snowdon with four likeminded female friends”. She Who Walks Wins was conceived. I had an idea but how would I make this into a reality? I knew that I wanted to engage and encourage other women who want to feel well and win at life like me - by considering adventurous activity as a preventative coping method and by exploring the great outdoors to improve their mental wellbeing.

I discovered Explorers Connect following a recommendation by a fellow south west adventurer on social media that suggested I check out Adventure Mind, a conference to promote positive mental health through adventurous activity. Alongside adventures, I found Explorers Connect were offering courses, events, training and networking, before I knew it I was perfecting my pitch to apply for Explorers Connect’s Expedition Leadership Course bursary. A couple of days passed and to my amazement Belinda Kirk founder of Explorers Connect contacted me to discuss my ‘amazing’ idea further. I was delighted that Belinda had reached out to me and believed in my idea. It gave me the confidence to know that it was entirely possible to achieve anything that you are passionate about and believe in.

I am honoured to be able to attend the Expedition Leadership Course to provide the insight and development I need to enhance the logistical and operational aspect of the service I will be offering for mindful walking women, ensuring that I can excel as a leader. She Who Walks Wins is not about the end destination; it is about the journey you take to be present today and for the future.

We are delighted to support Chantelle with our Expedition Leadership Course bursary space. Alongside covering the costs of the course, we will be providing her with ongoing support, advice, and contacts to do what we can to help make She Who Walks Wins as successful as possible.

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