Explorers Connect

Jungle Wisdom

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

I'm Paddy Le Flufy and I'm a cultural explorer. I'm currently in the Peruvian Amazon (Loreto Region), starting an apprenticeship with a wisdom-keeper from the group of tribes known as the People of the Centre. I spent the month of July in his community in the jungle, and will return in late August to stay until the end of March. By day i will be learning-by-doing jungle skills, such as how to hunt, navigate and recognise and use the trees.

By night i will be learning the traditional cultural and spiritual wisdom of the tribes. I also have camera traps, GPS video equipment, which I will demonstrate to the indigenous people and we will use according to their logic and ideas.I am writing a blog - posting the posts from July during August, then what i write on the rest of the trip when I return in March / April. It's www.wordsofwander.wordpress.com.

My trip is supported by the RGS-IBG Neville Shulman Challenge Award and I am also sponsored by Lifesaver Systems and Tom Mustill at Gripping Films.www.paddyleflufy.com