Explorers Connect

The Captain Scott Society's Funding Awards

OtherBelinda KirkComment

An Open Invitation to Explorers and Adventurers The Captain Scott Society makes its two annual awards in April each year. The Sir Vivian Fuchs's Youth Award of 500 is for 11 to 18 year olds. The Spirit of Adventure Award 2,500 is for 19 year olds upwards. Applicants are encouraged to submit details of their expeditions / projects from January to mid-March each year.

This enables them to report on the detailed aspects of their project and its planning. We do not have a prescribed application form but your proposal should embrace most of the following. 1) A Summary Letter describing The Nature of the Expedition and its objectives. 2) Planning 3) Finance / Funding 4) Logistics 5) Scientific / Community Value 6) Unusual / Firsts 7) Character Building The Expeditions Secretary reads all the applications and draws up a shortlist for final adjudication an Awards Panel in the first week of April.

The winner is notified by mid-April. Applicants are referred to the website www.captainscottsociety.com and the General Conditions associated with the awards. Further clarification can be sought via Jack Wright - Expeditions Secretary contact via029 20754869 and hazejon@talktalk.net "