Explorers Connect

Istanbul to Japan

OtherBelinda KirkComment

After graduating, the call of the wild was too strong to just ignore it. I had to do something, but what?

Thinking about it a lot, I eventually came to an idea : I would travel overland by all means possible except air-planes from Istanbul in Turkey to the country of Japan. On the way, many adventures happened, the wind blew me off my itinerary and I ended up in Bali after crossing Indonesia on a bicycle I had just bought in Kuala Lumpour. Among other things, I hitchhiked my way across Kyrgystan, bought a motorbike in Hanoi for 250$ and crossed Vietnam and Laos before selling it on the border.That may be my first big travel but it didn't stop the fire inside me. Its even stronger, cant help thinking about my next expeditions ... but what ?
